im_naku X JOENNmusic
This song is written to my mom and is depicted in a way that it feels like I'm sending letters or messaging her.
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Hello. Long time no see. I think I'm doing great. A lot has happened since I graduated. I'm just really glad I waited for this.
Me writing to my mom, expressing how I'm glad I didn't give up and stuck through school and growing up without her.
Hello. It's me again. Still think I'm doing great. So much has happened since. I studied again. I'm just doing something I might not miss.
Time has passed, this is me letting her know that I graduated from nursing school and obtained my nursing license; however, it's not something I imagined myself doing and described it as something I wouldn't miss if I stopped doing it.
Hello. It's present day. I hear they say I'm great. So much will happen now. I studied again. But now it's something I love instead.
This is me expressing to her that I'm finally devoting my time to the one thing I love and that truly passionate for: Music.
It's all in my head. Do I wish I'm dead? I'm still in my bed. Despite the last song I said..
This line references two songs prior in the album: 11am and Xanny Part II. I'm doubting my thoughts and why I'm still here. Despite the song '11am' expressing that we'll be waking up at 11am finally and working on bad habits, the line states that I'm actually "...still in my bed." The final part of this lineĀ