im_naku X JOENNmusic
Maybe I'm Wrong is the half-way point of the album. This track marks the start of the more emotional and 'edgy' side of the album.
I thought I had everything I wanted
No special meaning here, at a certain point of my life I felt like I was getting what I wanted.
I thought I could do anything I wantedÂ
With that feeling in mind, sometimes we let our egos get the best of us and decide that we'll always be able to do what we want without regards to others.
So I thought what could I do to make it all worth while
When riding a high like this, we continue to keep pushing for more. This line expresses my desire to continue to reach for more despite what I have.
Thought things would be different for me
Despite still feeling like I'm getting what I wanted, doubts start to settle, questioning if this is what I really want to be.
So I think of all the little possibilities
I start to spiral and think about how my life could've gone different in so many different ways...
How could anyone get past the negativity
...and I start to question how anyone actually gets through all this.
Of our minds inside their own isolated cities
When in actuality, we are our biggest critics and need to take what we think of ourselves with a grain of salt.
Am I the only one who can see me
I start to doubt if anyone else could actually help me with what I feel like I'm going through.
Maybe I'm simply wrong about my thinking
I start to doubt my own doubt- honestly getting annoyed LMAO
Maybe I need to shut the fuck up maybe
hence this line telling me to STFU!!!!!!
We're all wrong. Why do even write our own damn songs when something else can write it all for me.
Nowadays, AI and shit like that can do so much for us- but I hate the idea of taking the 'human' out of our creative endeavors. Yet, AI slop and auto-generated shorts make it big and it frustrates me.
The title of the album repeats in rounds, solidifying the theme of 'self-doubt' within the album.